вторник, 31 июля 2012 г.

On August of 27 at 12 p.m. lift up your eyes and look at the night sky. On this night all 10 planets in the Solar system will pass just 34.65 miles from the Earth. The naked eye it will look like 25 moons above the ground, and armed - twice! The next time such will be in 2287.
No one now living on Earth has not seen it. Last who saw it was Herostratus (after that  he  burned the Artemida's temple)!

Birthday calendar  of relatives and friends.

Road. New Zealand.

Clouds over the Rio de Janeiro.

Bernard Shaw: "All women are corrupt!"

George Bernard Shaw once uttered the phrase that all women are corrupt. The Queen found out about it at the meeting with Bernard said:
- Is it true, sir, that you say that all women are corrupt?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- And so do I! - outraged queen.
- And you too, your majesty, - calmly replied Shaw.
- And how much I cost? - exclaimed queen.
- Ten thousand pounds - immediately identified Shaw.
- Why so cheap! - surprised queen.
- See, you already haggling - smiled playwright.

Castle Mont-Saint-Michel
Mont Saint Michel is a small rocky island, located in a kilometer from the northern coast of France.

Arch of musical instrument, on which breeze plays.

Unusual pillow.

Perfumer from Berlin created a smell, which all bibliophiles like. The new fragrance "Paper Passion" does not smell of flowers and sweets, but the newly printed paper.

Beach Library in Italy.

 Sant'Agata de' Goti, Italy.

Bamboo Forest, Kyoto, Japan.

Together with you on the same day  were born 17 million people.
During 10 years at school you will have about 17 friends, of which to 40 years will remain two.
Your hair will grow 950 km in lenght.
You'll laugh about 18 times a day and walk the distance on foot, amounting to three circles of the earth.
You will use 30 tons of food and drink over 9000 cups of coffee and the chance of dying from electric shock is 1 to 10 000.
On average you will spend 10 years on the net work, 20 in sleep, seven months in traffic jams, and 2.5 months in waiting to the call answer, you will spend 12 years watching television and 19 days in searching of the remote from it.
And only one-fifth of the allotted time remain on life itself.
So do not waste a minute! Live life to its fullest !

Pink tree Tabebuia impetiginosa, growing in South America.

Candles with colored flames.

Chocolate Castle.

Watermelon. Beginning...

Castle in Austria.

Monument to Alice in Wonderland 

Guildford Castle, UK

  Central Park, NY, USA

Castle in the UK.


Where emotions live:

Most popular female names in Europe according to Facebook.

понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.

The real pearl looks that way.

This Green Lake is actually a park in Austria, but in summer it is filled with water and turns into a lake. In autumn and winter it turns back into the park. An amazing place!
The most popular tattoo texts:

Arrive ее guilpourra (Fr.) - Whether that will be.
А toutprix (Fr.) - At any cost.
Battle of life (Eng.)
Swons, chantons ef aimons (Fr.) - We drink, we sing and we love.
Cache ta vie (Fr.) - Conceal your life.
Cave! - Be careful!
Cercando а vero (It.) - Looking for the truth.
Contra spent spero (Lat.) - I hope, without hope.
Croire а son etoile (Fr.) - Believe in your  star.
Da hifi ich да Hawe (Ger.) - Here I'm home.
Debellare superbos (Lat.) - Crush the pride of rebellious .
Due cose belle ha a mondo Amore e Morte (It.) - In a world  two things are beautiful: love and death.
Eigenthum ist Frefndenthum (Ger.) - The property is someone else's.
Ein Wink des Schicksals (Ger.) - An indication of fate.
Errare humanum est (Lat.) - To err is human's.
Est quaedamflere voluptas (Lat.) - In tears, there is something to enjoy.
Ех veto (Lat.) - As promised, a vow.
Faciam lit mei mernineris (Lat.) - Will cause you to remember me.
Fatum (Lat.) - Destiny, fate.
Fecit (Lat.) - Made, executed.
Finis coronat opus (Lat.) - The end crowns the work.
Gaudeafilus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumus (Lat.) - Rejoice, while we are young.
Gnothi seauton (Greec.) - Know thyself.
Grace роир moi (Fr.) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!
Guai chi la Тосса (It.) - Woe to him who touches it.
Gutta cavat Lapidem (Lat) - Drop sharpens a stone.
Help yourself (Eng.)
Нос est in votis (Lat.) - That's what I want.
Homo homini Lupus est (Lat.) -Man to man a wolf.
Homo Liber (Lat.) - A free man.
In hac spe viva (Lat.) -  I live with this hope.
In vino veritas (Lat.) - The truth in wine.
Killing is not Murder (Eng.)
La donna е mobile (It.) - Woman is fickle.
Le devoir avanttout (Fr.) - Duty is the first thing.
Magna res est amor (Lat.) - The great thing - love.
Male mori quam foedari (Lat.) - Better death than dishonor.
Ne cede malls (Lat.) - Don't lose heart in adversity.
Noll те tangere (Lat.) - Don't touch me.
Now or never (Eng.)
Omnia теа тесит Porte (Lat.) - All of my are with me.
Per aspera ad astra (Lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.
Quefemme veut - dieu le veut (Fr.) - What woman wants - that is pleasing to God.
Quod licet Jovi, поп licet bovi (Lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not permitted bull.
Sans phrases (Fr.) - Without further ado.
Senw dubbio (It.) - Without a doubt.
Suum cuique (Lat.) - To each his own.
То be or not to be (Eng.)
Ти пе cede malls, sed contra audehtior (Lat.) - Do not obey the trouble, but go boldly forward.
Ubi benef ibipatria (Lat.) - Where are good there the birthplace.
Vale et me ama (Lat.) - Farewell, and love me.
Veni, vidi, vici (Lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.
V'rgiWty is а luxury (Eng.)
Vlvere тйаие est (Lat.) - Live - means to fight.
Wait and see (Eng.)
Wein, Weib und Gesang (Ger.) - Wine, Women and Song.
Weltkind (Ger.) - Child of Peace .
On the night of 12 to 13 August inhabitants of the Earth will witness the most brilliant  stars falling when in the hour you will see about a hundred of falling meteors.
In this year the Earth's inhabitants will be able to watch meteor flow of Perseid up to 24 August, and it will have its peak at night from of 12 to 13 August. It is expected that during the "Star Rain" will drop about 100 meteors per hour.

 A balloon under the ceiling. Unusual Balloon Lamp.