понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.

The most popular tattoo texts:

Arrive ее guilpourra (Fr.) - Whether that will be.
А toutprix (Fr.) - At any cost.
Battle of life (Eng.)
Swons, chantons ef aimons (Fr.) - We drink, we sing and we love.
Cache ta vie (Fr.) - Conceal your life.
Cave! - Be careful!
Cercando а vero (It.) - Looking for the truth.
Contra spent spero (Lat.) - I hope, without hope.
Croire а son etoile (Fr.) - Believe in your  star.
Da hifi ich да Hawe (Ger.) - Here I'm home.
Debellare superbos (Lat.) - Crush the pride of rebellious .
Due cose belle ha a mondo Amore e Morte (It.) - In a world  two things are beautiful: love and death.
Eigenthum ist Frefndenthum (Ger.) - The property is someone else's.
Ein Wink des Schicksals (Ger.) - An indication of fate.
Errare humanum est (Lat.) - To err is human's.
Est quaedamflere voluptas (Lat.) - In tears, there is something to enjoy.
Ех veto (Lat.) - As promised, a vow.
Faciam lit mei mernineris (Lat.) - Will cause you to remember me.
Fatum (Lat.) - Destiny, fate.
Fecit (Lat.) - Made, executed.
Finis coronat opus (Lat.) - The end crowns the work.
Gaudeafilus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumus (Lat.) - Rejoice, while we are young.
Gnothi seauton (Greec.) - Know thyself.
Grace роир moi (Fr.) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!
Guai chi la Тосса (It.) - Woe to him who touches it.
Gutta cavat Lapidem (Lat) - Drop sharpens a stone.
Help yourself (Eng.)
Нос est in votis (Lat.) - That's what I want.
Homo homini Lupus est (Lat.) -Man to man a wolf.
Homo Liber (Lat.) - A free man.
In hac spe viva (Lat.) -  I live with this hope.
In vino veritas (Lat.) - The truth in wine.
Killing is not Murder (Eng.)
La donna е mobile (It.) - Woman is fickle.
Le devoir avanttout (Fr.) - Duty is the first thing.
Magna res est amor (Lat.) - The great thing - love.
Male mori quam foedari (Lat.) - Better death than dishonor.
Ne cede malls (Lat.) - Don't lose heart in adversity.
Noll те tangere (Lat.) - Don't touch me.
Now or never (Eng.)
Omnia теа тесит Porte (Lat.) - All of my are with me.
Per aspera ad astra (Lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.
Quefemme veut - dieu le veut (Fr.) - What woman wants - that is pleasing to God.
Quod licet Jovi, поп licet bovi (Lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not permitted bull.
Sans phrases (Fr.) - Without further ado.
Senw dubbio (It.) - Without a doubt.
Suum cuique (Lat.) - To each his own.
То be or not to be (Eng.)
Ти пе cede malls, sed contra audehtior (Lat.) - Do not obey the trouble, but go boldly forward.
Ubi benef ibipatria (Lat.) - Where are good there the birthplace.
Vale et me ama (Lat.) - Farewell, and love me.
Veni, vidi, vici (Lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.
V'rgiWty is а luxury (Eng.)
Vlvere тйаие est (Lat.) - Live - means to fight.
Wait and see (Eng.)
Wein, Weib und Gesang (Ger.) - Wine, Women and Song.
Weltkind (Ger.) - Child of Peace .

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