вторник, 31 июля 2012 г.

Together with you on the same day  were born 17 million people.
During 10 years at school you will have about 17 friends, of which to 40 years will remain two.
Your hair will grow 950 km in lenght.
You'll laugh about 18 times a day and walk the distance on foot, amounting to three circles of the earth.
You will use 30 tons of food and drink over 9000 cups of coffee and the chance of dying from electric shock is 1 to 10 000.
On average you will spend 10 years on the net work, 20 in sleep, seven months in traffic jams, and 2.5 months in waiting to the call answer, you will spend 12 years watching television and 19 days in searching of the remote from it.
And only one-fifth of the allotted time remain on life itself.
So do not waste a minute! Live life to its fullest !

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